How do 40 kids use up almost 15 pounds of frosting in a few hours? Gleefully!
The eighth year of my cookie decorating project at the Parry Center was a great success. With much appreciated help, nearly 400 cookies were baked, icing prepared and duct taped into bags to prevent icing explosions, and pounds more sprinkles were loaded into my Mini and delivered to the Parry. We laid out colorful tablecloths to host our cookies & decors as small groups of kids began to come through.
Most cookies do not make it back to the kids units, their colorful creations devoured toot sweet- some cookies fairly groaning beneath the weight of their decorations. I am highly dubious that much dinner was eaten that evening.
The Parry kids live in residence where they receive help for a range of emotional issues and this event, held in their cafeteria, has become a seasonal favorite. Several visiting parents joined in decorating with their children, as well as many staff members. I like to imagine that I am encouraging the children’s creativity, but with kids this is always in abundance. It is a wonder to see the joy and sense of play that the simple act of gathering around tables and decorating cookies can bring.
A big thank you to all my helpers this year, including my kids Lauren and Spencer and my dear assistant, Lauren Marrone for mixing icing and real estate. I hope we will all gather again later in 2016 to bring this event together once more.