Hottest markets in the nation? That would be Denver and San Francisco with a 10% plus gain over this time last year. The same source ranks Portland at 7th with a 7.1% increase in the same time period.
Redfin reports a surge this year in buyers in the Bay area searching for homes in other tech towns including Portland. One of the questions I've added to my conversations with buyer's brokers making offers on my listings is "have both buyers visited the property?" ---lest one go into contract inadvertently with buyers offering to purchase only based only their online views of a home. With "sale-fails" as high as 17% now, one often does not need to take this risk.
I've had buyers actively seeking the walkability of Hawthorne, while other clients look to sell and seek escape from a neighborhood more alive with traffic and life than they are accustomed to.
It's quite common for sellers to choose to keep their property's available for offers for up to a week in order to ensure they can select the best terms for their homes. On the other hand, this can give the buyer the opportunity to visit the home more than once and ponder how much heart they wish to put into a given home and how strong their offer should be to acquire it.